Monday 28 April 2014

Topic homework

Write a profile for an Ancient Greek inventor. What did they invent? Do we still use the invention today?

Thursday 24 April 2014

Parent helpers for the British Museum trip: a plea!

We are all looking forward to our outing to the British Museum on Monday. Thank you to those who have returned their permission slip and donation. We are very grateful for the assistance offered by parent helpers as we cannot run the trips without them. At the moment Year 5 are struggling to reach the required number of adults for our outing to the British Museum. Please do let us know if any family members can join us on Monday. Your help is very much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Miss Davies

Science homework

Find five examples of friction in everyday life.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

British Museum

Please could you bring your permission slip and donation money by Thursday, 24th April. Thank you!

Literacy Homework.

Choose a Greek myth that you have read at school or research and read a different one. Re-write the myth in 150 words. Remember to include the features of Greek myths, such as descriptions of the hero or heroine, gods or godesses and any mythical beasts, an explanation of the magical gift or weapon and how it was used to overcome a problem, conflict between the characters and a resolution to the problem.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Science Homework

Year 5      What is Gravity?
Science Homework

1.    What happens when you jump into the air?
Why does this happen?
                 2.What would happen if you jumped into the air on the moon?
3.    Would a golfer be able to hit a golf ball further, or not as far, on the moon? Why?
4.    Walking on the moon is different to walking on earth. This is because the force of gravity is not as strong and so does not pull down on your mass as strongly. Write a short description of what you think it would be like to walk on the moon.
5.    When astronauts carry out repairs on the space station, they have to be very tightly secured. Why do they have to be so tightly secured to the space station?

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Literacy homework

Can you insert colon and semi-colons into these sentences where you see fit:

1.     Mr Daly had a clear set of demands a giant super-computer, a brand new Ferrari and sack of gold coins.

2.     Mr Scarborough’s intentions were clear no one would be going anywhere.

3.     Mr Baker demanded ‘Why are you here?’

4.     Sir Alex Ferguson announced his best squad Rooney, Berbatov, Jukes, Baker, Scarborough and Daly.

5.     Miss Jukes’ words were powerful the message unforgettable.

     6. Plenty of girls had signed up for the team Miss Jukes wanted to be one of them.

7. Mr Daly won the ball in the penalty area he turned quickly, almost losing control he shot and scored.

8.Mrs Flower’s briefcase contained a letter to her MP an empty box of Thornton’s chocolates three poems about her holiday and a study of Macbeth.