Wednesday 7 May 2014

Maths help sheet.

You should have all taken home a sheet to help with your understanding of decimals, fractions and percentages. Please try to memorise the fraction and percentage equivalents.

50% = ½   (Divide by 2)

Eg, 50% of 40 = 40÷2 = 20.


25% = ¼   (Divide by 4) or halve and halve again.

Eg, 25% of 40 = 40 ÷4 = 10.


10% = 1/10  (Divide by 10)

Eg, 10% of 40 = 40÷10 = 4


1%   = 1/100  (Divide by 100)

Eg, 1% of 40 = 40÷100 = 0.4


To convert fractions to decimals, divide the numerator by the denominator.

Eg, 2/5 = 2÷5 =0.4


To change a decimal to a percentage, multiply it by 100, or move the decimal point two places to the RIGHT.


Eg, 0.75 x 100 = 75%

      0.75 = 75%

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