Thursday 10 October 2013

5MD's ICT challenge!

5MD are reporting live from the ICT suite at Chatsworth Primary School!

In ICT we have been learning about staying safe when using the internet, and how to research using the internet. We have been doing research about the Tudors and about keeping healthy.

Challenge: Use the internet to research your favourite Tudor king or queen. Write an interesting fact about your chosen monarch on the blog.

Remember our internet safety rules and blogging rules!


  1. Did you know that Katherine of Aragon was Spanish?

  2. My favourite King is Henry, Henry had six wives. He was also quite fat!

  3. My favourite Tudor king is H
    enry the VIII

  4. Henry VIII was the fattest king alive !

  5. My favourite Tudor queen is Queen Elizabeth, because Queen Elizabeth I suffered from small pox.

  6. Henry VIII died of indigestion.

  7. My favourite Tudor Queen is Queen Elizabeth I. She was the last Tudor Queen and became Queen in November 1558.

  8. My favourite Tudor king is Henry VIII. He was born at Greenwhich palace on 28 June 1491 and died at 28 January 1547 at Whitehall palace. He was buried at 16 February 1547 at Windsor castle,St. George's chapel.

  9. Henry VIII married 6 times. The names of his wives were Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Katherine Parr.

  10. My favourite Queen Elizabeth because she is very useful and she suffered from small pox and she did not execute anyone except Mary who was evil. My favourite Tudor King is HenryVIII because he was very wealthy and very prosperous King.

  11. The way Henry the VIIIs wives died ( one survived) went like this Divorced, beheaded, died ,divorced, beheaded, survived.

  12. The Tudors ruled from 1485 until 1603.Some of the most talented men lived at this time.The tudors are the most coulerful people in history.

  13. For a woman who played such an important part in English history, we know remarkably little about her earliest years. Antonia Fraser puts Anne's birth at 1500 or 1501, probably at Blickling (Norfolk) and the date of birth seems to be at the end of May or early June. Other historians put Anne's birth as late

    1. Please make sure you use your own words, Katie!

  14. Henry VIII was born on 28 June 1491.

  15. Henry VIII was King of England from 1509 to 1547. He is probably most well-known for having six wives and for being very over-weight towards the end of his reign, but there’s much more to the man than that.

  16. The Tudors ruled England, Wales and Ireland from 1485-1603.

  17. Tudors are the best thing to study

  18. My favourite Tudor [ temporary] monarch is Lady Jane grey . She is my favourite Tudor monarch because, I think it's amazing that she was only Queen for nine days!!

  19. Henry the VIIIs father Lancastrian Henry Tudor defeated the Yorkist King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth field on August 22nd 1485.

  20. Henry was forced to marry Anne of cleves to keep peace with Germany.Henry sent the pain of Anne so that he could see what she looked like and decided to marry her as this made her look pretty. However when she arrived in England he found her ugly and called her a horse. Henry arranged a divorce and the marriage only lasted six months.

  21. King henry was larger than life character whose extravagant life style ruthlessness and succession of wives have fascinated people for centuries.

  22. My favourite Tudor Queen was Queen Elizabeth 1.Elizabeth spoke seven several languages such as English ,Latin ,Greek and much more.

  23. history is intresting to study.

  24. Henry vill had 6 wifes there names were Cathreine of Arigen ,Anne Boleyn,Jane Seymour,Cathreine Howard ,Anne of Cleevs and Cathreine Parr.

  25. Henry married his first wife, a Spanish princess called Katherine of Aragon, in 1511. Katherine and Henry had a daughter, Mary, who would later grow up to be queen of England. However, Henry desperately wanted a son so in 1533 he decided to divorce Katherine so that he could marry someone else.

    - Henry’s second wife was called Anne Boleyn. They had a daughter, Elizabeth, who was also destined to become queen. However, Anne didn’t provide Henry with the son that he wanted and she fell out of favour with him. She was beheaded in 1536.

    - After Anne, Henry married Jane Seymour. In 1537, she gave birth to a son, Edward who would later become king of England after Henry died. Sadly Jane died only 2 weeks after Edward was born.

    - Anne of Cleves who came from Belgium became Henry��s fourth wife in 1540. He divorced her after 6 months.

    - Henry was keen to marry again and Catherine Howard became his fifth wife. She was 19 and he was 49 when they married. She was beheaded in 1542.

    - Henry sixth wife was Kateryn Parr. They married at Hampton Court Palace in 1543
