Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Currency conversion!

Miss Davies went to Hungary over the half term break and won 5000 Hungarian forint in a competition! What luck!
Can you find out how much this is in British pounds? You will need to find the current conversion rate. Please let me know the rate you used as it is variable.

Monday, 24 February 2014


Homework: Week beginning 24th February 2014


These spellings will be tested on Friday, 24th January.


Mathletics. If your child cannot access Mathletics at home, please let us know. Thank you!

This homework is due in by Monday, 3rd  February.


Write a description of the alien’s planet and give hints to the reader as to why they would come to earth. Try to use a thesaurus to include interesting adjectives and try to think about:

·         What kind of world do the aliens in your story come from?

·         What kind of plants grow there?

·         What colours are most common?

·         Why have they come to Earth?

·         What does our planet have that the aliens are missing or want?

This homework is due in on Thursday, 27th February 2014.


Keep a sky at night journal for a whole week.  Write about everything you can see in the sky.  You could even draw a picture of the moon every night.  Does it change over the course of the week?

This homework is due in on Wednesday, 5th March 2014.


Can you research and create a factfile about an astronaut that you are interested in? Who was it? Where were they from? Where did their mission go? What was significant about them as a person or the mission itself?
This homework is due in on Monday, 3rd March 2014

Friday, 14 February 2014

Topic after half term: Space!


Our new topic for the next half term will be space!
Over the half term, choose any planet in the solar system to research.
Be prepared to present some interesting facts to the class when you come back after the half term!
Have a very nice break everyone!

Maths puzzle answer!

Well done everyone for giving the maths puzzle a go! It was tricky!
Have a look at the answer to see how you got on:

20 Golden rings answers

Queen Ratticus can really cause some confusion even

if you use a calculator. Remember, the queen could have paid

one million pounds or £1 for the first, doubling each time. The

second method works out like this:

Cost of each ring:

1. £1

2. £2

3. £4

4. £8

5. £16

6. £32

7. £64

8. £128

9. £256

10. £512

11. £1 024

12. £2 048

13. £4 096

14. £8 192

15. £16 384

16. £32 768

17. £65 536

18. £131 072

19. £262 144

20. £524 288

Not the answer!!

Helpful hint:

·       To add up the total, take the last number, double it and then subtract 1.

·       eg to add 1 + 2 + 4 + 8, double 8 which is 16, subtract 1 which leaves 15.

·       So.... the total for 20 rings is £525288

       doubled which is £1 048 576, subtract 1, which is:


Answer: £1,048,575

So.... Queen Ratticus paid £48,575

more by paying the second way!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Maths challenge

Puzzle Time

20 Golden rings

King Ratticus was coming up to his 20 th birthday. He decided

he wanted a special treat so he called for Goldie, his

goldsmith, who could make anything out of gold.


"Goldie, I want you to make me 20 gold rings, one for each

year of my life, and one for each finger and toe. Oh, and by

the way, see Queen Ratticus for payment."


Goldie went away and made the 20 gold rings. He then went

to see the Queen for payment.


"Well, Goldie, they are excellent, but how much will they

cost?" asked the Queen.


"My dear Queen, they are not cheap!" said Goldie, "they are

one million pounds in all….or you could pay £1 for the first

ring, £2 for the second, £4 for the third, £8 for the fourth

and so on, doubling the cost for each ring."


" I can't afford a million pounds," said the queen, "so I will

pay by the second way, it will be much cheaper!"


Was she right ?

Did she save money or not?

How much did it cost her?

Monday, 10 February 2014

Homework: Week beginning 10th February 2014


These spellings will be tested on Friday, 14th February.


Mathletics. If your child cannot access Mathletics at home, please let us know. Thank you!

This homework is due in by Monday after half term.


Literacy: Watch the Clock Tower short video clip. Can you use descriptive language to describe the change in mood in a short story format?

This homework is due in by Thursday, 13th February.


Maths puzzle task which will be presented on the blog next week.

This will be due in Friday 14th February.


Topic: This homework is due in after half term.

Our new topic will be ‘space’ for the next half term.

Choose any planet in the solar system to research and be prepared to present some interesting facts to the class when you come back after half term!