Monday, 24 February 2014


Homework: Week beginning 24th February 2014


These spellings will be tested on Friday, 24th January.


Mathletics. If your child cannot access Mathletics at home, please let us know. Thank you!

This homework is due in by Monday, 3rd  February.


Write a description of the alien’s planet and give hints to the reader as to why they would come to earth. Try to use a thesaurus to include interesting adjectives and try to think about:

·         What kind of world do the aliens in your story come from?

·         What kind of plants grow there?

·         What colours are most common?

·         Why have they come to Earth?

·         What does our planet have that the aliens are missing or want?

This homework is due in on Thursday, 27th February 2014.


Keep a sky at night journal for a whole week.  Write about everything you can see in the sky.  You could even draw a picture of the moon every night.  Does it change over the course of the week?

This homework is due in on Wednesday, 5th March 2014.


Can you research and create a factfile about an astronaut that you are interested in? Who was it? Where were they from? Where did their mission go? What was significant about them as a person or the mission itself?
This homework is due in on Monday, 3rd March 2014

1 comment:

  1. This planet is amazing because there are millions of money trees growing rapidly in rainbow colours. Everything is made out of squares like minecraft therefore you can build loads of houses and buildings easily but watch out for black ender man who can steal your precious blocks. Every were you is, you see the colour turquoise.
    Unfortunately the aliens have come to earth to steal everything that is made from metal as they don't have enough metal to create more huge massive UFO. So that the Queen alien can bring their army down to Earth in order to kidnap everyone so that the slimy Queen alien can make them into their slaves.
