Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Homework: Week beginning 16th June 2014


See spelling post


Mathletics. If your child cannot access Mathletics at home, please let us know. Thank you!

This homework is due in by Monday, 23rd June.


Imagine you are out for a walk in the woods one day when all of a sudden you come across this gnarled tree. You start to take slow, steady steps towards it when you hear a sudden click, like a lock being undone.  A small door appears to open on the side of the tree and you can see a definite light glowing from within …

Write an imaginative story about what could happen when you come across this tree.This homework is due in on Thursday, 19th June.


Interview an adult that you know about a time in their lives when there was a big change for them e.g when they got their first job, started a new school, moved to a new country.

·         How did they feel beforehand?

·         How did they feel at the beginning?

·         What happened afterwards?

·         What strategies did they use to help them deal with change?

This homework is due in on Monday, 23rd June.


When we visited the British Museum, we saw some marbles that had been brought to England from the Parthenon and other famous sites in Greece called the ‘Elgin marbles’. Your task is to research the Elgin Marbles and find out why there is a big debate about them! This is due in on Monday, 23rd June.


  1. I was slowly walking through a strange mysterious forest which I haven’t seen before. Then suddenly I hear a quiet creaking sound…. I see a gnarled tree just in front of my eyes. Inside the tree of I see a shimmering light and then, I see an alien’s head pop through the tree….

  2. Why is there a debate about Elgin Marbles!

    There is a debate about the Elgin marbles because some people think that the marbles should be taken back to there original home in Greece.Other people think that they should be kept in the British Museum because it is a fine place.On one hand people think that Britan have a right to keep the Elgin Marbles because Lord Elgin rescued them from the Parthenon and presented them to Britan two hundred years ago. On the other hand people say that the Elgin Marbels should be sent to Greece and the Parthenon because it is were they came from and were they should stay.
