Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Magnificent metaphors and sensational similes!

We took our learning outside today and used the field as inspiration for some poetic writing. The children also developed their ICT skills by annotating their own photos using a program on the Ipads. Here are some examples:


Literacy homework

Write a short poem inspired by one or more of these images describing the space journeys involved.
Try to use figurative language such as similes, metaphors and personification in your poem.

This homework is due in on Thursday, 20th March.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


Homework: Week beginning 17th March 2014



These spellings will be tested on Friday, 21st March.


Mathletics. If your child cannot access Mathletics at home, please let us know. Thank you!

This homework is due in by Monday, 24th March.


Look at the images that will be displayed on your class blog.

Write a short poem inspired by one or more of these images describing the space journeys involved.

Try to use figurative language such as similes, metaphors and personification in your poem.

This homework is due in on Thursday, 20th March.


Imagine that you are one of the astronauts living for six months on board the International Space Station.

Write an email to a member of your family describing life living in space.

Describe your views from the space station, what it is like living in zero gravity and the challenges that you face.

This is due in on Friday,21st March.


Watch this sci-fi clip: This is a short ‘documentary’ about Pandora, the planet from the film Avatar. Design a space vehicle for landing on the planet, what special tools would it need?

This is due in on Monday, 24th March.


Monday, 10 March 2014

Maths puzzle

At what time of what day of what year will it be:

a. 2000 seconds

b. 2000 minutes

c. 2000 hours

d. 2000 days

e. 2000 weeks

after the start of the year 2000?


Homework: Week beginning 10th March 2014


These spellings will be tested on Friday, 14th March.


Mathletics. If your child cannot access Mathletics at home, please let us know. Thank you!

This homework is due in by Monday, 17th March.


Aliens visit the earth, and the first person they encounter is a six-year-old girl. Due to a strange quirk of their culture, they decide that the girl is the rightful ruler of the world.

Write a diary entry based on the girl’s experience that day.

This homework is due in on Thursday, 13th March.


NASA are recruiting for their next space mission. Write a letter of application for a job to NASA justifying why you should be chosen as a Space Scientist.


This is a formal letter and therefore should have the following to be successful:

·         In a formal letter, addresses, date, greeting and sign-off are correctly placed;

·         The first paragraph tells who the writer is and explains the reason for writing;

·         The middle paragraphs deliver the necessary message;

·         The letter states clearly what you would like the recipient to do;

·         You used the appropriate greeting and sign-off; and

·         A line space indicates new paragraphs.


This letter is due in on Friday, 14th March.



Make a fact sheet about asteroids. What do they look like, what are the bigger ones called, and what danger may they hold for us on Earth? This is due in on Monday, 17th March.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Literacy homework.

Please could you re-write the following passage to include punctuation. This can be done on the blog or on paper. Then write your own short paragraph about an incident in space, taking extra care with your punctuation.

felicity WILL you look this way exclaimed Mrs Appleton  you have been fidgeting all morning  felicity tore her eyes reluctantly away from the coin she was holding in her hand and tried to concentrate on her class teacher who was talking about maths – something to do with multiplication Felicity vaguely recalled she caught matts eye and they grinned excitedly at each other this was it today was the day the two best friends had been waiting for this day for what had seemed an eternity both of them had been looking at the clock every 5 minutes both willing the hands to move forwards faster so that they could be whisked off home by felicitys parents at lunch time they were going on holiday

Monday, 3 March 2014

Homework this week

Homework: Week beginning 3rd March 2014



These spellings will be tested on Friday, 7th March.


Mathletics. If your child cannot access Mathletics at home, please let us know. Thank you!

This homework is due in by Monday, 10th March.


Literacy: Look at the paragraph you have been given. Please re-write it to include punctuation. Write your own short paragraph about an incident in space, ensuring that you have punctuated it correctly.

This homework is due in by Thursday, 6th March.


Science: Write an explanation of how we get day and night. What happens to Earth, the sun and the moon?

This homework is due in by Friday, 7th March.


Topic: This homework is due in by Monday, 10th March

Research a space mission from history and the rocket that was used. Draw and label the rocket with its significant parts. Was the space mission successful? Where did it go and what was discovered?