Monday 9 December 2013

Maths games

We had fun looking at number sequences in Maths today. Use the link below to access the sequencing games we played. You can investigate number sequences with whole numbers or with fractions and decimals. Challenge yourselves!

Spellings for this week. Please could you write each word in a sentence and bring it in on/before Friday, 13th December.

1 past aloud practice
2 passed allowed practise
3 affect affect advice
4 effect effect advise
5 father guest device
6 farther guessed devise
7 led desert assistance
8 lead dessert assistants
9 herd principal stationery
10 heard principle stationary

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Spellings for this week












Friday 29 November 2013

Topic Homework



Your Topic homework this week is to write a poem about one of Henry VIII's wives.

Due Tuesday, 3rd December.


Thursday 28 November 2013

Science homework

We have been looking at magnetism in science. Please can you write down everything you know about magnets. Can you think of ten ways in which magnets are used in everyday life?

You can post on the blog or can complete on paper.

Tudor and Victorian activities this weekend in Richmond

Tudor and Victorian activities this weekend in Richmond!
The Christmas season is upon us and this weekend there is a big fair and celebrations happening in Richmond. As a special event, the Museum of Richmond are having some special activities, some of which link to our curriculum:
For more details, please visit

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Literacy homework

Please complete this homework on paper. It is due on Wednesday, 4th December.

This week we have been looking at the features of playscripts. 5MD have been writing their own playscript for Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' and I'm very pleased with the work I have seen so far.

Your homework this week is to transform the following short story into a playscript. You don't need to include every detail and you can add some of your own ideas.

Remember to split the story into scenes and to add stage directions! You can even continue the story if you would like to.

David’s new watch


“Thanks, Dad!” exclaimed David, as he made an eager grab at the box. Excitedly, he tore off the wrapping and lifted the lid. Inside was a brand new watch – not just any watch, but the watch he had been wishing for for months. It was shiny black with silver trimmings; waterproof to a depth of 100m; had 2 different alarm tones and told the time in London, New York, Sydney and Tokyo. His mum was looking on disapprovingly.

“Now, David, you must look after that watch. It was very expensive and you know how careless you are,” said his mum. David sighed. He had nagged his mum for ages but she always said no. Luckily his dad was a really soft touch! But this time, David promised himself, he would be very careful…

Next morning, just as David was leaving for school, his mum stopped him.

“You had better leave your new watch at home today,” she advised. “Isn’t it P.E. this afternoon?”

“Ok,” David agreed reluctantly, beginning to undo the strap.

“Have a good day,” called his mum from the kitchen. David looked at the watch gleaming in his hand. He was desperate to show it off at school. After all, what could possibly happen? He was going to be so careful…

“Wow!” cried James.

“Best watch ever!” said Tom enviously.

All went well during the morning. David was very careful of his new watch (even at playtime). Cheerfully, he got changed for P.E., which was his favourite lesson. Year 6 played a great game of hockey, then tumbled back into class, hot and breathless, to get dressed. Disaster!

“I can’t find my watch!” hissed David in a panic. Frantically, he turned his P.E. bag upside down and scrabbled through his kit. Where could it be?

Maths this week

This week we are learning about area and perimeter in maths.

Try having a go on this game:

Monday 25 November 2013

Spellings for this week.

1 badly lazily innocently
2 madly noisily violently
3 gladly exactly thoughtfully
4 daily normally unexpectedly
5 monthly directly obediently
6 yearly foolishly courageously
7 softly politely mysteriously
8 hardly seriously seriously
9 simply quickly boastfully
10 slowly silently powerfully

Monday 18 November 2013

Maths practice

Last week we were estimating angles and measuring them using a protractor. Click on the link below and select 'angles' for some practice games.

Can you remember the difference between an acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle and a reflex angle?

Who can estimate the size of this angle?

How many degrees are there on a straight line? Can you use this knowledge to calculate the missing angle?

This week we are looking at time and the difference between analogue, 12 hour digital and 24 hour time. Have a go at converting time at the website below:

Have fun and let me know how you get on!

Spellings for this week

1 weekly angrily eventually
2 yearly properly personally
3 likely probably enthusiastically
4 really bravely accidentally
5 kindly carefully carefully
6 nearly usually deliberately
7 clearly happily unhappily
8 wildly wickedly fortunately
9 loudly recently worriedly
10 exactly slightly gradually

Thursday 14 November 2013

Literacy Homework: Please complete on paper and bring to school on Monday, 18th November.

What do you think of Scrooge from 'A Christmas Carol'? Write a letter to him telling him your opinion of him. You may like to offer him some advice about how he could change for the better.

Who can remember the definitions of some of the words we found from Dickens' original text?


Were there any others that you remember? Please comment here.

Monday 11 November 2013

This week's spellings




2 expel bionic bifocals
3 export bisect bisect
4 explode biceps bilingual
5 example biased biannual
6 expect circle circling
7 explain circular circular
8 expert circulate circulation
9 excuse circuit circumference
10 explore circus circumstance

Saturday 9 November 2013

Remembrance Day

It is Remembrance Day on Monday, 11th November. Your homework is to explain why the poppy is used as a symbol of Remembrance Day. What are we remembering? Why do we wear a poppy?


Have a look at the photos below. Why do you think the man was dressed like that? Where do you think he went? In what year do you think the photographs were taken? What might have happened to him? I will tell you some stories about him on Monday.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Literacy homework

A simple sentence has a subject and only one verb. E.g, The tiger growled.

A compound sentence is made when you join together two main clauses with a conjunction.
E.g, I don't like bananas but I love strawberries.

A complex sentence is formed when you join a main clause and a subordinate clause. E.g, Although I was scared, I carefully crossed the bridge.

Write a short story using different sentence structures decided by a roll of the dice.

Roll 1: Write a short, simple sentence. Maximum six words.

Roll 2: Write a compound sentence of 10-20 words.

Roll 3: Write a complex sentence. Minimum 20 words.

Roll 4: Start sentence with a conjunction and a subordinate clause.

Roll 5: Insert a sound effect, one word and an exclamation point.

Have fun!

Monday 28 October 2013

Half-term historical challenge!


This is an investigation which requires you to be historical detectives!

Who were the 'Princes in the Tower'?
What happened  to them?
Why do you think it happened?
Who do you think was behind it?

I can't wait to read your theories!

Victorian Week

We all had a great time during Victorian Week. The children had some lessons in the Victorian style and had to use traditional dip pens and ink pots to practise copperplate handwriting. I was impressed by 5MD's ability to stand up straight throughout the posture lesson. A remarkable amount of pupils were able to walk whilst balancing a book on their head! 

We also researched Victorian inventions such as the telephone, typewriter, electric lightbulb, bicycle, camera, sewing machine and radio. Did you know that the Victorians also invented ice cream? Do you know of any other Victorian inventions? Which Victorian invention means the most to you?

We attempted to memorise a poem by reciting it as a class and individually. The last line proved tricky to master! Who can remember the correct ending to the poem?

Good, better, best
Never let it rest
Until your good is better.....

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Spellings for this week.


































Wednesday 16 October 2013

Outdoor Learning

We all had fun learning outside today. The children worked with Miss Joseph, Mr Bishenden and myself to design and make shelters out of sticks, leaves, string, bricks and plastic covers.  We tested how effective the shelters were by using a watering can to tip water over them....with the children inside! So, who got wet and who stayed dry?

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Amazing artists at work....

It is a delight to be joined by pupils from 5AC, 6JT and 6HH this week. I have been really pleased by how well the children have been working together. They baked some incredible vegetable pasties yesterday and have been using shading techniques to create some fantastic portraits today. I have attached some examples below from some of our amazing artists. For those who weren't in the lesson today, can you guess who we were drawing?

Friday 11 October 2013

Chicken, grain and fox problem. Can you solve it?

This is a classic problem that has amused and baffled people for centuries!
A farmer wants to cross a river in his rowing boat. He can only fit one item in his small boat at a time.
If he leaves the fox alone with the chicken, wily Mr fox will eat it!
If he leaves the chicken alone with the bag of grain, the greedy chicken will gobble it up!
Devise a way for the farmer to safely cross the river with all 3 items.
Good luck and enjoy this age old problem!



Bon voyage!

Bon voyage to all Chatsworth students who will be setting sail for France next week. I'm sure you will all have a fantastic time and will benefit enormously from the experience. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

For those staying at school, we will be taking part in lots of fun and interesting learning activities, including outdoor learning and cookery. We will also be welcoming students into 5MD from other Year 5 and Year 6 classes. It should be a great week for all next week!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Hampton Court Palace

We are all looking forward to our trip to Hampton Court Palace!

Please may I remind you that the permission slips and trip money need to be in by Friday, 11th October.

5MD's ICT challenge!

5MD are reporting live from the ICT suite at Chatsworth Primary School!

In ICT we have been learning about staying safe when using the internet, and how to research using the internet. We have been doing research about the Tudors and about keeping healthy.

Challenge: Use the internet to research your favourite Tudor king or queen. Write an interesting fact about your chosen monarch on the blog.

Remember our internet safety rules and blogging rules!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

5MD's tremendous trip to the British Library!

5MD went on an exciting trip to the British Library. When we went into the Treasures Gallery we saw lots of interesting artefacts, such as the oldest version of the Old Testament and a letter written by Henry VIII.

I would like to say a big thank you to all who helped on the trip, including staff and parents. We couldn't have done it without you!

My favourite part of the day was seeing the children working creatively with nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs collected from the library.

Homework: Tell me three things that you enjoyed about the trip and give reasons why. Try to use some interesting adjectives.